How SanoCRM Works
Every step of the patient journey is covered by the SanoCRM paltform -- simplifying, streamlining and enhancing every patient's experience

From Pre-Visit to Post-Visit, SanoCRM bolsters healthcare providers with the ability to enagage and truly connect with patients on every level of the patient journey. Each stage of patient interaction through the SanoCRM platform is an opportunity to create the utmost satisfaction, clarity and streamlined steps forward in the right direction!

Enhancing the Patient Journey
Being an all-in-one healthcare CRM (customer relationship management) platform, SanoCRM covers all the bases of the patient journey, helping you provide your patients with a seamless experience from beginning to end.
1. Patient Reviews
After healthcare visits, it's important to collect feedback from your patients to further enhance the overall patient journey experience. SanoCRM will prompt your patients to leave reviews about their experience with you as a healthcare provider -- opening a constructive dialouge about the aspects of particular patient journeys.
2. Post-Care Instructions
The patient experience after a hospital visit plays a vital role in either reinforcing a positive experience or mitigating a negative one. Actions such as post-appointment follow-ups extend the care relationship and may help improve treatment plan adherence.
The SanoCRM paltform makes it easy to keep this patient-provider dialogue open, ensuring accessible, streamlined communication.
5. Online Payments
SanoCRM makes the treatment payment process quick and convenient for patients, providing the ability to pay online through the platform
4.Patient Recalls
Through the SanoCRM communication capabilities, keeping in touch with patients and reminding them to follow up and stay up-to-date with their medical care is incredibly simple -- whether it's through automated email, text messaging or WhatsApp messaging.
3. Patient Loyalty
With the SanoCRM email marketing capabilities, creating patient loyalty through rewards programs and packages is simple! Automated email marketing campaigns through the platforrm make it easy to keep your patients in the loop,creating incentives to remain patients of your medical establishment.

SanoCRM Creates Patient-Provider Harmony
The SanoCRM paltform ensures a smooth and seamless patient journey process from top to bottom -- creating the ability to harmonize and further develop the patient and healthcare provider relationship.
With SanoCRM,as a healthcare provider,you'll cover all the bases of the patient journey, creating the utmost satisfaction every step of the way.
If you want to discover the power of the SanoCRM platform for yourself and your medical establishment,contact us for a free demo today!
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